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20・ Joumal of Medical Science Yanbian University Mar.2007 Vo1.30 No.1 


安松兰 ,张善玉孙,朴惠顺 


[摘要】 [目的】探讨一年生黄芪中黄芪多糖对小鼠免疫器官指数的影响.[方法】取1年生黄芪经水 



mg 不同质量浓度乙醇提取的黄芪多糖10 d,实验第7日开始每日分别腹腔注射给予各组小鼠环磷 

酰胺80 mg g,连续4 d,处死小鼠,测定脾脏及胸腺指数.[结果】500,600,800 mL/L乙醇提取的黄芪 

多糖中多糖含量分别为530.7,407.6,463.8 g g.500,600,800mL/L乙醇提取的黄芪多糖组小鼠脾脏 

指数均显著高于环磷酰胺组;500 mL 乙醇提取黄芪多糖组小鼠胸腺指数显著高于环磷酰胺组. 


[关键词】 免疫系统;植物,药用;小鼠 

[中图分类号】R285.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号】 1000—1824(2007)01—0020—02 

Effects 0f p0lysaccharides from the annual Astragalus 0n immuno-organs 

coefficients on mice 

AN Song.1an ,ZHANG Shan.yu ,PIAO Hui.shun2 

(1.YanbianBaitoushanPharmacyCompanyLimited;2.Yanbian University ofPharmacy,Ya 133000,Jilin,China) 

ABSTRACT:0】BJECTIVE To evaluate effects of polysaccharides from the annual Astragalus on immuno—organs 

coefficients on mice.METHODS The polysaccharides was precipitated with 500.600 and 800 mL几ethanol 

respectively after the water extraction;the content of polysaccharides was determined by Anthrone Colorimetry. 

The mice were administered with the polysaccharides of 500.600 and 800 mL/L ethanol respectively by ip for 

10 days(200 mg/kg).From the 7th day,the mice were administered with the cyclophosphamide by ip 

(80 mg/kg)for 4 days,and then the weights of spleen and thymus were measured.RESULTS The content of 

polysaccharides in the 500,600 and 800 mL/L ethanol groups was 530.7,407.6 and 463.8 g/kg,respectively. 

The mice spleen index of the three ethanol groups increased significantly than the CY group.And only the 

thymic index of 500 mL/L ethanol group increased significantly than the CY group.C0NCL【『sr0N The 

pOlysaccharides in the annual Aatragalua have the 

inhibitory effects to the immunosuppressed mice 


induced by cyclophosphamide. 

*【通迅作者】 张善玉(1959一),女(朝鲜族),副研究员,研 

Key words:immune system;plants,medicinal;mice 


